Nicola Penfold - Year 5

Welcome to Nicola Penfold Class:


Our Team: Mr Banks (Class Teacher) and Mrs Ducker (TA)

This year will be full of excitement and new experiences, where the children are encouraged to think critically, collaborate with their peers, and take on more responsibility, preparing them for the challenges of Year 6.

Below you will find some helpful documents and information about what your child is learning.


Who is Nicola Penfold?

Nicola Penfold - ReadingZone

Nicola Penfold

Nicola Penfold was born in Billinge and grew up in Doncaster. She studied English at St John’s College, Cambridge. Nicola’s worked in a reference library and for a health charity, but being a writer was always the job she wanted most.

Nicola writes in a shed at the bottom of her garden. She lives in North London, with her husband, children and cats, and escapes when she can to wilder corners of the UK for adventures.

Books she has written:

Nicola Penfold Series — Kate Forrester Illustration

Maths: Multiplication and division, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages and Statistics

English: This half term we are writing a setting description based on Perseus venturing into Medusa's lair in order to stop King Polydectus marrying his mother, Danae. We will be focussing on including adverbials of time and place, including participle adjectives and using colons and commas correctly.

Reading: Developing our Rainbow Reading skills and understanding (Copy Cat, Authors Craft, Text Detective and Judge and Jury question types). Our text this half is Who Let The Gods Out.

RE: Our school value is trust so we will be exploring what that means. Our lessons will focus around why Christians were hoping for a Messiah and why they may have thought Jesus was the Messiah.

Science: We are looking at materials and their properties.

RSHE: Emotions - how they look and how they feel.

Topic: Ancient Greece VS Ancient Rome


Below are our spellings, KIRF and Knowledge Organisers for the term.