Nathan Bryon - Year 3
Welcome to Nathan Bryon Class

We are a Year 3 Class, led by Mrs Bailey, Mrs Attah, Mrs Martin and Mr Hawthorne. Our children always come into school shining their light, showing a positive attitude in their daily school life.
We love reading in Nathan Bryon Class. Mrs Bailey's favourite book as a child was The Famous Five by Enid Blyton. The books were full of exciting adventures. She dreamt of being on adventures in the great outdoors!
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." (Dr. Seuss)
Our Class Author - Nathan Bryon
(born 3 July 1991) is a British actor, author, and screenwriter.
In June 2019, Puffin published Bryon's first book, Look Up!, conceived jointly with illustrator Dapo Adeola. It won both the overall award and the illustrated book award at the 2020 Waterstones Children's Book Prize.
Bryon published a play in July 2019 called Dexter and Winter's Detective Agency and another book in July 2020 called Clean Up.
In March 2021, Puffin announced Bryon as the first Puffin World of Stories ambassador.
Take a look at our Knowledge Organiser for this term:
We hope very much that you had a happy time over the Christmas holidays and we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy 2025. We are really looking forward to the Spring Term and our new topic ‘From the Sea to the City’. In this topic, the children will be comparing the seaside town of St Ives with the city of London. Quite a difference!
Use this link to find some books related to our topic this term:
Best children's books - London Topic Booklist
Areas of Learning for this half term:
If you would like to practise your handwriting below, use the link!
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- Maths: Multiplication and Division
- English: setting descriptions, instruction writing
- RE: What is it like for someone to follow God?
- (The Story of Noah’s Ark)
- Christian Value: Trust
- Science: Forces
- Topic: From The Sea To The City
- Computing: Programming
- P.E: Hockey, Dance.
- RSHE: The benefit of physical exercise
- Class Reader: Charlotte’s Web
The Homework Grid for this term can also be found below. The RE, Science, Topic, KIRFS sheet, spellings and topic homework for this term can also be found below.
This half term’s weekly homework:
- Reading - every night
- KIRFS – facts about duration of time.
- Spellings
This half terms value is: