
Safeguarding- It's everyone's responsibility

At St Meriadoc Junior Academy School we are committed to keeping our children safe.

If any of our parents/carers or pupils have any concerns they can speak to our Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Rebecca Kirkbride or our Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Sarah Wilkins and Mrs Sarah Broomhead

The school's safeguarding policy applies to all staff, volunteers, Governor's and any external agencies working on the school site. Anyone visiting our school site will be given a copy of the Safeguarding Children Single Agency Induction Training (Inter Collegiate Level 1) leaflet (See below) and are advised who the DSLs are. 

Our staff recruitment process ensure that all staff and volunteers have been appropriately checked for their suitability using the safe recruitment procedures.

We adopt the local CAPH approved Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy for Schools in Cornwall.

Teaching our pupils how they can keep themselves safe is our number one priority. This is weaved into every aspect of our curriculum and daily school life.

All staff receive regular refresher Safeguarding training.

In September we review the updated Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) with all staff members at INSET.

Staff then complete online training for Tier/Level 2 and KCSIE which assesses their understanding and are awarded certificates for achieving appropriate pass level through our subscription to the Flick Learning platform. Completion of this is monitored in school.

Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Board

Multi-Agency Referral Unit - 0300 123 1116

Out of Hours Service - 01208 251300

Police - 101

If you have concerns about a professional working with a child/children you should contact your Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on 01872 326536


Please find links to our policies and documents below.